Sunday 16 October 2016

Title: INNER BONDING - A Tool For Recovery From Racial Abuse

Title: INNER BONDING - A Tool For Recovery From Racial Abuse

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and "Healing Your Aloneness." She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. She states....

Those of us who have been on a path of healing the wounded aspects of ourselves know that one of the characteristics we often suffer from when we are in a wounded, fearful ego state is that we feel either superior or inferior to others. Because the wounded part of us is based on the core shame beliefs that we are inadequate, flawed, defective, unimportant, and so on, we may feel deeply one-down to others. In order to compensate for these difficult feelings and protect against feeling them, we may deny their existence and move into the opposite position: I am better than others.

This position can take many forms: ? I am better than others because I have more money. ? I am better than others because I am thinner, sexier, prettier or more handsome. ? I am better than others because I have a better car. ? I am better than women because I am a man, or I am better than men because I am a woman. ? I am better than homosexuals because I am heterosexual.
Racism comes into the picture when the false beliefs about being one-up extend to race and religion: ? I am better than Blacks, Asians and Latinos because I am White. I am better than Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims because I am Christian, or I am better than Christians because I am a Jew, Buddhist, and so on.

All of these false beliefs of the wounded aspect of ourselves stem from fear and a deep desire to have control over not feeling the fear. Hate and the resulting violence are always protections against feeling the fear of believing, in a deep, unconscious place within the wounded self, that we are unworthy.

The way I see it, racists are waving a large flag that says: "I feel deeply inadequate, insecure, fearful, flawed. I am terrified of anyone knowing about these feelings, so I will hide them by pretending to be better than others. This will protect me from ever having to feel how defective I really feel." Hitler, with his highly abusive background and his deep self-hatred for the small part of himself that was Jewish, illustrates the extreme of what I am talking about.

The problems of racism and violence will not be resolved until: 
1) Our child-rearing practices change to produce people with high self-esteem instead of deep core shame. 
2) Adults commit to their inner healing work which involves healing the wounded aspects of themselves that resort to hate and violence when threatened.

It is necessary for each individual to practice a healing process on a daily basis, such as the one that I teach called Inner Bonding (see resources below for a free course), so that gradually the fears and false beliefs of the wounded self are healed and replaced by the truth: that we are all children of God, equal in the eyes of God. When we heal our wounded selves, we will feel our oneness with all living beings, and would never think of harming another person. When we know ourselves to be the love that is God, we will see and feel that love within each person we meet, regardless of what they look like on the outside. When we learn to love our own soul - our own individual expression of Spirit - we will naturally love the souls of others.

 Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit  Margaret Paul, web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or email her at

Love & Light
Pastor: Christians In Recovery Ministries - UK


Wednesday 5 October 2011

Title: 'Practical Steps To Advance Racial Harmony'

Title: 'RACIAL HARMONY' - from Prayer Art Set by Rev.Bola A.

'Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth'
.—1 John 3:18

For practical steps to advance racial harmony in the church and racial justice in the world,
here are some things I would recommend:-

1. Develop a biblical view.
We must personally develop a spiritual and biblical perspective on “race” and ethnicity in the saving plan of God. Our attitudes, thoughts, and actions must be shaped by the renewed mindset of the will of God, not “conformity to the world” (Romans 12:2). Consider:
»»God created humanity in his image (Genesis 1:27).
»»God made all humanity from one common ancestor (i.e., Adam; Acts 17:26).
»»God purchased from every tongue and tribe a people for his very own by the death of Christ (Revelation 5:9).
»»In Christ, we have been united into one people (Ephesians 2:14–22, 4:1–5).
»»Christ calls us to love one another as he has loved us (John 15:12).
»»Christ calls us to love our neighbors across racial/ethnic/religious barriers (Matthew 22:39).
»»Christ calls us to make disciples of all ethnic groupings (Matthew 28:18–20).

2. Read history. 

Become knowledgeable about the role of “race” in human history, world history, and U.S. history. We will not “understand the times” (Matthew 16:3) we live in very well without understanding how we came to where we are in the world today. And we will not understand other people very well either. Read stories of the lynchings in Duluth in the 1920’s. Read about slavery in America. Read of the relationship between Americans and Native Americans. In reading, abhor what is evil and resolve to cling to what is good (Romans 12:9).

3. Be informed.
Race and racial issues are in the newspaper every day. Take notice; read in order to discern and understand the times we live in and the people we live with.

4. Come to a conviction.
Name “racism” and the sins of racial exclusion and favoritism (James 2:9) as a present problem. Be fully convicted in your own mind about racial harmony as you seek God and ask him in faith to make known to you what you should be convicted about (Romans 14:5; James 1:5).

5. Develop an honest self-awareness.
Plead with the psalmist, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts” (Psalm 139:23). Similarly, confess your own sins in regard to this issue, “For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long ... I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,’ and you forgave the iniquity of my sin” (Psalm 32:3, 5).

6. Love.
Show compassion and mercy through visible displays of love—weeping with those weep—to those who have been afflicted through racially motivated sins. “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36).

7. Build relationships with people ethnically different from yourself. 
Intentionally pursue relationships with people who are ethnically different from you. You are free to do this because of the work of Christ, “Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:7). Carl Rogan and Larry Agnew are a beautiful display of this kind of intentional relationship building as they have linked arms to pursue greater degrees of racial harmony.

8. Appreciate different cultures.
Eat foods from other cultures. Go on a short term trip. Study a culture online or at the library. Watch a documentary. The multitude of cultures in the world are now so easily accessible. Take advantage of technology and “vacation” to another culture.

9. Forgive.
Be quick to forgive those who have committed racial sins since you have been forgiven much in Christ (Colossians 3:13).

10. Do justice.
The prophet Micah calls us to do justice, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8). Look for ways to pursue justice. Write a letter to a congressman. Advocate for the oppressed. Adopt a refugee family. Adopt a child. Do justice.

11. Rejoice in hope.
Romans 12:12 says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Our hope is in God. He will finish what he has started. We can rejoice in hope that one day all peoples will unite with one voice in the praise of the Son (Philippians 2:9–10; Revelation 5:9).

12. Pray. In all of these practical steps, pray. Make prayer the hallmark of your efforts in pursuing racial harmony. Through the prayer of the saints, may God make you worthy of his calling and fulfill every resolve for good work of faith by his power (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

I pray that these 12 steps will help you as you advance racial harmony in your families, in your relationships, in your communities, in the church, and in the world.

(From work by Kenny Stokes - Practical Steps Toward Racial Harmony)


Monday 3 October 2011

*RACIAL HARMONY MINISTRIES* - Spiritual Fellowship with Rev.Bola Animashaun

An Introduction To  - The Healing Racism Project 
(Initiated by Rev.Bola)


1. To conduct healing and recovery from Racism beneficial programs.
2. To help create environments for harmonious inter-racial and inter-cultural communication.
3. To undo and erase mankinds painful legacy of racism, a day at a time, a step at a time.
4. To engender a more racially aware, inclusive and accepting society.
5. To create a fairer and safer multi-cultural society.
6. To leave a more positive legacy of race relations for future generations to inherit.
7. To provide individuals and groups with Tools and Resources for healing racism.


1. Education and Training
2. Sermons and Public lectures
3. Counselling and Co- counselling (including by telephone and email)
4. Workshops and Seminars.
5. Coaching and Mentoring
6. Home groups and Selfhelp groups
7. Church Services
8. Spiritual Healing
9. Intercessory Prayer and dedications
10. Blogs and Websites
11. E-Courses
12. Community outreach
15. Poetry and theatrical recitals
15. Practical illustrations and Exercises
16. Certificates and Awards
17. Ordination of Ministers

1. Books, Manuals, Reports, Articles and other publications
2. CDs, Videos, Slideshows, Films and other recordings
3. Ebooks and E-Courses
4. Prayer Art
5. Posters and other Visual Imagery
6. Music
7. Prayer and Affirmation Cards
8. Games and software
9. Aromatherapy Essences and oils
10. Flower essences
11. Sacred Candles, Incense and Crystals
12. Sacred Jewellery
13. Blessed Soaps, creams, lotions, and perfumes.
14. T-shirts
15. Hats, scarves and accessories
16. Pens, pencils and stationery sets
17. Stickers
18. Greeting cards
19. Handkerchiefs
20. Blankets
21. Spiritual Kits
22. Suntan Lotions

Target Clients

1. People of Colour
2. Ethnic minority groups
3. Christians of all levels
4. Ministers
5. Students
6. Healers
7. Teachers
8. Therapists and Counselors
9. Mental Health professionals
10. Health Care Practitioners
11. Foreigners  and Visitors
12. Refugees
13. Parents and Carers.
14. Advocates.
15. Artists
16. Managers
17. Traders and Self-Employers.
18. All Seekers of Truth.

Meeting Places

1. Church Halls
2. Community Centers
3. Hotels
4. Homes.

Sources of Funding
Donations and Sponsorship From Private Sector:-
1. Ethnic Minority hairdressers and beauty therapists
2. Suntan Lotion companies
3. Music and Record companies
4. Ethnic Minority newspapers and magazines
5. Ethnic businesses.
6. Churches
7. Charities and Non-profit organisations
8. Individuals
9. Tithes from Spiritual Leaders and Organisations.

Human Resources
1.Head Pastor and Director :
2.Assistant Pastor and Manager:
3.PR and Events Organiser
4.Volunteers and Trainees.

*For further information about this ministry and project please contact: Rev.Dr.Bola Animashaun 
  We welcome your support and suggestions. You may also leave a comment for us here.
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Tuesday 19 July 2011

Title: 'Healing Racism Scenarios'

A Common Scenario
In The Work Place.

Take Darren, for instance.
He is the only black member of his work team.
His performance is as good as, if not better than, anyone else’s in the team, but his boss has issues with him, because Darren has a darker, different skin colour to his own. Funny too that nothing is ever actually mentioned verbally by the boss about this. He just persists in criticising Darren's work to others, and sending Darren awkward glances, and disapproving negative signals. Many times, he tries his best not to acknowledge that Darren is even there. Other times he makes his disdain for Darren known through physical gestures like sharp, aggressive tone of voice, rigid posturing,  inattentive listening, interrupted communication, fluctuating between unwillingness to make any eye contact, and inappropriate blank steers, grimacing, and other negative body language communications. But Darren is aware of what's going on, because he has been there before. He remembers experiencing this type of thing in school, then at college, then again at his first ever job, and now at this job with this current boss.  Darren knows what's going on all right. So does his boss, and so do the other employees sitting around the office. They have all seen this kind of thing before somewhere. Darren's boss has also picked up his habit from something he heard as a kid and witnessed in school.
Different scenario. different faces, different time, different spaces, but same old familiar behaviour..

So, how would you address this situation from the point of view of being.....
1. Darren?
2. Or another white employee witnessing the situation?
3. Or another black or ethnic minority employee witnessing the situation?
4. Or a manager, supervisor or employer? 

Would you.....
a) Pretend not to see the problem, ignore it, and so hope it will go away?
b) Justify the situation by saying 'these things happen, life isn't fair', and then do nothing?
c) Attempt to access the situation from all points of view, and determine the optimum, and fairest course of action?
d) Do something else, if so what?

Here is what I would do

1)... As Darren:
In Darren's shoes....
i) Firstly, I would take a measured period of time out, to access what I was feeling and experiencing, simply to nurture my soul, and for my own peace of mind and self esteem. (For believers, this is when I would take some time to pray and meditate on God's word over the situation, asking for divine guidance, clarity and support in dealing with it)
ii) Then, I would contact a trustworthy ally or mentor, this could be a GP,  close friend, family member, spiritual coach, pastor of a church, counsellor, a self-help group, etc..etc...and verbally unburden and release my concerns to them, including the emotional stress I was experiencing. There are a number of excellent ways to release accumulated stress available to individual's including counselling.
(You can email me directly for more information on receiving spiritual healing and counselling.)
iii) Next I would take a measured period of time, to begin keeping a journal or diary, in which I would note private records of each and every such racially abusive encounter with my boss. Every time an incident occurred I would privately make a note in my records of the date, situation, place, time, what was said or done, who was involved and exactly how it impacted me and my ability to do my work- mentally and emotionally.
iv) I would continue to monitor the situation privately for a set amount of time possibly a month, depending on how long my work contract lasted, until a clear pattern emerged in my records.
v) With sufficient evidence under my belt in my records, I would then ask to have a private meeting with the boss concerned. At the meeting I would present the boss with my experience of his behaviour and state actual examples from my records. I would then give my boss an opportunity to rectify the situation by asking my boss what he intended to do about the behaviour, and wait for his response. If my boss was then reasonably honest and repentant, I would suggest ways he could work to do things differently by offering alternative responses, and if necessary refer him to places where he could get better awareness and understanding. I would  then suggest a Grace period for the future, where my boss would get the opportunity to implement his changes and demonstrate he was actively taking steps to resolve the situation. If on the other hand my boss was unwilling to address the issue or expressed further antagonism towards me, I would make it clear that I intended to pursue remedial and corrective action, by going above him or taking my concerns to the appropriate sources of disciplinary action, and then I would follow through taking action accordingly, possibly even consulting a legal advocate, solicitor or organisation like the Equal Opportunities Commission.or Citizens Advice Bureau
vi) In the meanwhile, each time the negative behaviour is repeated in future by me boss, I would verbally or in writing, calmly and assertively point out in full view, and hearing range of other staff members around, that I thought such behaviour was 'racist, offensive and inappropriate for a place of work', and then continue to take and keep records of the incidences, so as to present them for disciplinary action. I might even make taped recordings. But the point I am making here is that I would treat the situation very seriously and make it clear that I refuse to be victimised or bullied.

2) ...As another White employee witnessing the situation.
In another white employee's shoes.......
i) Firstly, I would view this as a unique opportunity to learn something valuable about connecting with others in a work setting, and a chance to improve how I do this.
ii) I would see this, as an opportunity to personally check my own assumptions, thoughts, beliefs, prejudices, and actions concerning any ethnic minority work mates and colleagues. Then in any area I found myself wanting, I would take active steps to address and correct my behaviour. If necessary I would get myself more educated on the issue. Read books, take some more training, talk to ethnic minority people about their experiences, find out more truth about them. I would do my own private research to educate myself better.
iii) I would also talk to other white colleagues, including my boss, sharing with them my education, experience and findings. I would take personal responsibility in doing whatever I could to encourage and ensure fair, just and appropriate work practices. But above all, I would work to lead and encourage others, by my own fair and reasonable behaviour and thereby act like a positive example and role model for other white people.

3) ...As another black or Ethnic minority employee witnessing the situation.
In another black or ethnic minority employee's shoes......

i) I would offer my support to Darren, and any other ethnic minority employees who were facing similar situations, and would ask if there was anything I could do to make things easier. Such support could be anything from lending Darren a listening ear and encouraging assertiveness,  to offering myself as a witness for corrective or disciplinary action if and when needed.
ii) I would actively support and engage in respectful inter-racial and inter-cultural dialogue between myself and other white employees who were up for mutual co-operation; posing questions, having discussions, and generating solutions to increase perception and understanding. This is easily done by bonding with colleagues and establishing mutual and collaborative friendships that permit the issues to be discussed openly.
ii)  I would also actively support and encourage the organisations implementation of further awareness training for employees.

4....As a manager, supervisor or employer witnessing the situation.
In a employer's shoes....

i) I would take active steps to see that all the above mentioned measures were implemented in my organisation, including the monitoring of appropriate staff awareness training, dialogue, and corrective or disciplinary activity.
ii) Most particularly, I would get myself educated about the relevant issues so that I was myself perceptive of the needs of all my employees, and I was leading by example.

 So here's the question again. What would you do in the above scenario?
Please feel welcome to post your generous and helpful thoughts and views here, so we can all learn and grow.
Thank you. Wishing you and yours, a complete and total healing, from any and all racism.

Peace and Light
Rev. Bola Ani - (Divine)
For more information on where to get help concerning the issues mentioned, drop me an email to:-
Rev. Bola :
I will respond as soon as I can, especially if you mark your email as Urgent.

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'The 6 Simple Tenets of Healing Racism'

1. Racism, as a disease woven into the moral and spiritual 
    fiber of society, obscures the possibility of
    establishing the reality of that oneness.

2. Racism violates the dignity of humankind, retards the
    unfolding of the potentialities of its victims, corrupts its
    perpetrators, and blights human progress

3. The patterns of thinking and behaving that constitute
    racism have been learned and can be unlearned

4. Racism is marked by an imbalance in economic, political,
    and social power in favor of some , ethnic, and cultural
    groups at the expense of others

5. An increase in awareness of the development and
    perpetuation of racism will lead to its elimination and the
    development of a just and peaceful world

6. The struggle against racism must, first and foremost, be
    waged in the heart.

*My Special Thanks To: Centre For The Healing Of Racism

Peace and Love - Rev.Bola A.

Monday 18 July 2011

'Desiring God and Healing Racism'

 If you are one for listening to recorded sermons full of insight and inspiration on the subject of Racial Healing I recommend you click on the following link and bookmark it:-

Peace and Light Rev.Bola A.

Sunday 17 July 2011

'What Is Melanin?

    Introductory Notes by Rev.Bola A.

Melanin is a natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair, skin, and the iris of the eye. It is produced by cells in the skin called melanocytes. Melanin also helps protect the skin from the sun. Dark-skinned people have more melanin than light- skinned people.
Human skin colour is primarily due to the presence of melanin in the skin. Skin color ranges from almost black to white with a pinkish tinge due to blood vessels underneath. Variation in natural skin color is mainly due to genetics, although the evolutionary causes are not completely certain. According to scientific studies, natural human skin color diversity is highest in Sub-Saharan African populations, with skin reflectance values ranging from 19 to 46 (med. 31) compared with European and East Asian populations which have skin reflectance values of 62 to 69 and 50 to 59 respectively. An alternative name for melanin is Skin pigment.

Why Is Melanin Important To The Human Body?
Melanin is important because it’s the most primitive and universal pigment in living organisms. Melanin is produced in the pineal gland. Abundantly found in primitive organisms such as fungi, as well as advanced primates. Furthermore, within each living organism, melanin appears to be located in the major functional sites. For example, in vertebrates, melanin is not only present in the skin, eyes, ears, central nervous system, it can also be found in the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, thymus gland, adrenal gland, and the barathary gland. Melanin is abundantly present in the viscera, including the heart, liver, arteries, the muscles, and the gastrointestinal tract; thus, within each and every living organ which aids the human body melanin appears. Regardless of what color your skin appears to be all genes in all creatures on this planet are black because they are coated with melanin.
The amount of melanin in the skin is one of the most variable of human traits, and many polygenes are involved. Groups of people or the population of the world were once classified according to the skin shade: Black (Nubians), White (Caucasians), Yellow (Orientals) and Red (Native Americans) etc... We must realize that just because this is the way they have classified people does not mean this is the way it should be. The hues of color of your skin depend on several factors. First is the amount of melanin in the outer layers of the skin. Melanin acts as a filter to prevent damage to the delicate deeper layers of the skin, by penetration of ultraviolet light.
There is more than one type of melanin. You have brain melanin, also known as neuromelanin, and you have skin melanin. Neuromelanin does not run parallel with skin melanin. Whether white, red, yellow, black, or brown, neuromelanin plays an important role in functioning of the brain, and nervous system. Melanosomes (small structures within the melanocyte cells where melanin is synthesized) find their way into the hair cells, giving them color. (Two types of melanin, one dark brown and one red, are responsible for all hair shades).
Pigments that contribute to skin color are called carotene, a yellowish hemoglobin, in blood vessels (pink-red), and melanin (black, brown, red). Darker skins are dominated by melanin, which is produced from the amino acid tyrosine, by pigment cells (melanocytes) in the skin. Melanocytes are characterized by long, fixed extensions of the outer cell membrane. In humans, other mammals, and birds, melanin is dispersed permantely throughout each melanocyte, including the extensions, and is also, transported to nearby skin cells. In other words, if you increase the amount of melanin in the skin you become darker and vice versa.
So, what is so important about melanin? Melanin controls all mental and physical body activities. Melanin is an extremely stable molecule, and highly resistant to the digestion by most acids and bases, and is one of the hardest molecule to ever be analyzed. If you do not purify your melanin molecule, you will not heal your body of diseases.
In parts of Africa, India, and Australia the deposits of melanin in the skin is heaviest because the people have been exposed to the most intense sunlight for generations. Northern Europeans have the least amount of deposits in their skin are lighter, not to mention their weather is cloudy and cool. The thickness of the outer layer of the skin is also a factor. People with darker skin complexions have thicker layers of skin. And this is a factor alone enhances the skins filtering effect. The thinner the skin the least melanin. When the skin is very thin, the blood vessels show through and give a pinkish color. When an individual adapts to the shifting of the intensity of the sunlight, the skin becomes darker because they are exposed to more sunlight. That’s how you get suntans because it’s the result of both thickening and increasing the melanin in the skin. Keratin is the substance the nails of the fingers and toes are made of. It also appears in the outer layer of the skin. When keratin deposits are heavy, the skin has a yellowish, brown shade, as in the Mongolian populations. They have adapted along a different pathway to avoid the damaging effects of ultraviolet light. The reddish hue of the Native Americans results from a combination of keratin and melanin deposits.
Now, you might be asking yourself what does melanin have to do with ultra-violet light? Well, the DNA molecules are all covered with melanin. One of the things that melanin does is it actually absorbs ultraviolet radiation. Melanin is constantly reaching out towards the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Ultraviolet radiation has been found to be dangerous to protein. When protein is passed through ultraviolet radiation it actually causes the molecule to blend. Just like you have some of our sisters and brothers who go to hairdressers, killing their ethers just to get their hair done. No offence to those who do this type of activity so don’t go off the deep end with me. I’m not here to tell you what you should do or not do, because you have your own mind but if you choose to go to hair dressers and get up under these strange lights and you have to wear special kind of glasses with it because of the ultraviolet radiation.
When your ethers are exposed to the chemical or protein structure in those perms and tents it causes it to lock into a certain position, then your hair will not change. That’s the same thing that happens to your chromosomes or genes. When ultraviolet rays are exposed to the chromosomes or the genes, in order for your genes to be able to do what they are suppose to do naturally, they have to be able to change. But when they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation they can’t. Thus when the time or need comes for it to change they will not be able to change. This will result in deformities in your body.
Melanin can also be toxic. Eating the improper foods or overeating can block your connection with the sun’s energy. When the sun’s energy cannot reach the melanin, diseases manifest. Melanin is deranged only when it becomes toxic. Any individual who might have toxic melanin will act in a very similar manner, that which is primitive, animalistic, and barbaric. It is a civilizing chemical when it is not toxic. It has physical properties, and personality traits, which distinguishes it from others. That’s why our bodies are dedicated to making melanin.
Vitamin B keeps melanin clean, not to mention good eating habits. If you want to continue to consume pork, smoke weed, and drink alcohol that’s your own business but your body is dedicated to making melanin, thus if you make it toxic, you’re only hurting yourself. Melanin is like a superconductor, or like a battery in a car. It always stay charged when it is exposed to things such as light, sound, color, and sun light. It will absorb it to the point where the melanin will actually absorb the additional energy and recharge it- self to a brand new level.
Your body has committed itself to creating melanin so you can survive. The melanin in your body is always partial charged. When you look around things like sound, light, sunlight, or colors, the melanin will absorb the additional energy, and recharge itself, taking your body to another level. If you’re around sounds that aren’t good for you your body reacts to it. Your melanin can convert light energy to sound energy, that’s why an entertainer like Michael Jackson, who was a big hit back in the days. What he was doing was using his melanin to convert light energy to sound energy. Sadly later in his amazing career, before his passing, he was lacking melanin he was no longer as able to really get a big hit like in the past. People with melanin are walking radios and the very dark skinned people are very sensitive to the different types of radio frequency or thought patterns that are in the environment. So everything you do, everything you listen to, everything you eat affects you. It affects your melanin.
(Special Thanks to MAD Writer Productions)
        *Peace and Light Rev.Bola A.