Monday 3 October 2011

*RACIAL HARMONY MINISTRIES* - Spiritual Fellowship with Rev.Bola Animashaun

An Introduction To  - The Healing Racism Project 
(Initiated by Rev.Bola)


1. To conduct healing and recovery from Racism beneficial programs.
2. To help create environments for harmonious inter-racial and inter-cultural communication.
3. To undo and erase mankinds painful legacy of racism, a day at a time, a step at a time.
4. To engender a more racially aware, inclusive and accepting society.
5. To create a fairer and safer multi-cultural society.
6. To leave a more positive legacy of race relations for future generations to inherit.
7. To provide individuals and groups with Tools and Resources for healing racism.


1. Education and Training
2. Sermons and Public lectures
3. Counselling and Co- counselling (including by telephone and email)
4. Workshops and Seminars.
5. Coaching and Mentoring
6. Home groups and Selfhelp groups
7. Church Services
8. Spiritual Healing
9. Intercessory Prayer and dedications
10. Blogs and Websites
11. E-Courses
12. Community outreach
15. Poetry and theatrical recitals
15. Practical illustrations and Exercises
16. Certificates and Awards
17. Ordination of Ministers

1. Books, Manuals, Reports, Articles and other publications
2. CDs, Videos, Slideshows, Films and other recordings
3. Ebooks and E-Courses
4. Prayer Art
5. Posters and other Visual Imagery
6. Music
7. Prayer and Affirmation Cards
8. Games and software
9. Aromatherapy Essences and oils
10. Flower essences
11. Sacred Candles, Incense and Crystals
12. Sacred Jewellery
13. Blessed Soaps, creams, lotions, and perfumes.
14. T-shirts
15. Hats, scarves and accessories
16. Pens, pencils and stationery sets
17. Stickers
18. Greeting cards
19. Handkerchiefs
20. Blankets
21. Spiritual Kits
22. Suntan Lotions

Target Clients

1. People of Colour
2. Ethnic minority groups
3. Christians of all levels
4. Ministers
5. Students
6. Healers
7. Teachers
8. Therapists and Counselors
9. Mental Health professionals
10. Health Care Practitioners
11. Foreigners  and Visitors
12. Refugees
13. Parents and Carers.
14. Advocates.
15. Artists
16. Managers
17. Traders and Self-Employers.
18. All Seekers of Truth.

Meeting Places

1. Church Halls
2. Community Centers
3. Hotels
4. Homes.

Sources of Funding
Donations and Sponsorship From Private Sector:-
1. Ethnic Minority hairdressers and beauty therapists
2. Suntan Lotion companies
3. Music and Record companies
4. Ethnic Minority newspapers and magazines
5. Ethnic businesses.
6. Churches
7. Charities and Non-profit organisations
8. Individuals
9. Tithes from Spiritual Leaders and Organisations.

Human Resources
1.Head Pastor and Director :
2.Assistant Pastor and Manager:
3.PR and Events Organiser
4.Volunteers and Trainees.

*For further information about this ministry and project please contact: Rev.Dr.Bola Animashaun 
  We welcome your support and suggestions. You may also leave a comment for us here.
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